If you are going to be receiving payment from a settlement, you can actually sell those payments and access your settlement cash sooner. Chances are, if you are going to be receiving settlement cash, it is going to take awhile to get to you. You will need to pay your living expenses and bills...
Are You Considering Selling Your Annuity for a Lump Sum?
Are you looking for a specialty finance company that can purchase your structured settlements that have been awarded as the result of a lawsuit or lottery winning? After years of working just to make ends meet have you recently come into a large amount of cash that will be paid out to you slowly...
4 Reasons To Get A Lump Sum For Your Structured Settlement
If you have a structured settlement or an annuity, there are a lot of reasons to obtain a pre-settlement cash advance. If any of the following situations apply to you, consider researching how to obtain cash for a settlement today: 1. You’re in severe debt. Nearly half of American families live above their means....