If you are going to be receiving payment from a settlement, you can actually sell those payments and access your settlement cash sooner. Chances are, if you are going to be receiving settlement cash, it is going to take awhile to get to you. You will need to pay your living expenses and bills and such now, before the case is closed. So that’s where this article comes in handy.
The first step would be to connect with a company that can give you the money that you need before you even get you settlement money. Usually, you do not have to pay any up front costs until the settlement actually gets to you. Here are a few other reasons you may want to access your settlement cash sooner.
Lottery Congratulations! You have won a lottery! However, lotteries can take a long time to hand out the money; even up to years later.
Inheritance If a loved one has passed on and left you with an inheritance, very often it is delayed. While the average credit card balance is around $7,200, you will be needing a pre settlement cash advance.
Workers’ compensation Workers that get injured on the job, a lot of times are entitled to some sort of compensation or settlement or simply put: cash. What if your company is dragging their feet and you really need extra cash because you can not work because of the injury? Access your settlement cash and don’t even worry about it. By the time the settlement is being resolved, you will probably be back to work and making money just like before and you can eliminate any stress it might have brought you.
If you are among the 62% of Americans in the United States that would be able to afford an unexpected expense, you could be approved for pre-settlement cash, you just need to talk to a qualified agent. Would you like to know how to sell your payments? It’s just five steps.
- Decide first of all, that you are sure about selling
- Be informed. Find out exactly what the rates and service of your sale would be.
- Choose which company you are going to work with after doing the research necessary.
- A judge must approve your sale.
- Receive your cash!
It really can be as simple as that if you are working with the right company. Do not be caught up in the stereotypes or thinking you did something wrong to need this fast cash. It’s simply not true. 27% of Americans do not even have a savings at all and 76% live paycheck to paycheck. You are completely normal! In the past 10 years, incomes have only increased on average, by 2%. You are doing nothing wrong, it’s just the way of the world at this point in time! Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family.