More small pharmacies are beginning to discover the convenience, security, and accessibility that mobile retail pharmacy POS systems have to offer — and considering that mobile POS is predicted to reach about 46% market share by 2017, it’s not surprising that so many pharmacy owners have recognized the valuable investment that is the mobile POS system. But if you own a small pharmacy yourself and you’re still a bit leery about these new point of sale systems, here are just a few basic facts that might convince you otherwise:
- Convenience is always important when running a pharmacy, and your staff needs to be able to assist as many customers as possible both with regards to prescriptions and over-the-counter products. A mobile POS system is, predictably, operated entirely on a handheld device that can be carried anywhere in the store.
- Not only does this smaller device allow for greater mobility and better customer service, but it also frees up valuable counter space that a traditional cash register would eat up. When you own a small business, you definitely know how difficult it can be to fit in as many products on the shelves as possible, without making the store look messy. Even a little extra space can go a long way — and the added benefit is that your staff can actually interact with customers, even when they’re behind the counter, because there’s no tall cash register or computer desktop in the way.
- Security is also incredibly important for any small business, and this is where mobile POS is exceptionally advantageous for pharmacies. It performs all the normal functions of a POS system, including monitoring sales trends and product inventory, which is necessary for the functioning of the non-prescription half the store’s sales. But these devices also come with enhanced security features like encrypted card swiping and electronic signature capturing, which ensure the security of sensitive data and personal information related to prescription drugs.
There’s no other way to say it — mobile POS is definitely the POS of the future, and it could be the one thing that helps your pharmacy become as successful as possible. Check out this website for more.
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