CPA stands for a certified public accountant, but what do they do? In this article, we will take a closer look at the work that CPAs do.
Starting at the beginning, in order to become a CPA, you must pass a rigorous exam, and only 28 percent of people are able to pass every part on their first attempt. The reason that the test is so difficult is that CPAs are highly trusted by businesses, and they must have a large range of knowledge.
Besides taking an exam you also need to have worked in the accounting field for a certain period of time to be able to become a CPA. This is so that you have an understanding of how accounting works prior to your start as a CPA.
CPAs are able to help with a variety of things. People who need help with auditing for example or are in need of tax advice can find their help from a CPA. CPAs are working as advisors of sorts, in that financially they have a wide range of knowledge and can help in different areas.
Becoming a CPA is difficult and the work that they do spreads wide. But at the end of the day, they are here to make the lives of businesses easier.