If you have a structured settlement or an annuity, there are a lot of reasons to obtain a pre-settlement cash advance. If any of the following situations apply to you, consider researching how to obtain cash for a settlement today: 1. You’re in severe debt. Nearly half of American families live above their means....
How Much Money Could You Be Losing By Not Selling Your Annuity?
Do you receive annuity settlement payments from a lottery winning or a lawsuit? Receiving annuity payments are a nice padding to your monthly budget but might not be enough to change your life. Sometimes you can do more with the cash for annuity payments by selling all or part of your structured settlement. You...
3 Things You Have to Do After You Win the Lottery
If you ever somehow defy the odds and win the lottery, there are some important things you need to do. Your days may be worry free of money problems from there on out, but you’ll still have to take care of a couple matters first. Here are just a few things you’d have to...
Keeping America In Business One Small Business At A Time
Have a small business and need some extra funding? It’s understandable: running a business costs a considerable amount of money! Additionally, people understand that sometimes it takes a little while for a smaller business to really get off the ground, especially in its first few years. If you’re thinking about getting small business lending...
How to Find the Best Pre-Settlement Loan Company
Winning the lottery is great, until the moment it actually happens. Only then do you discover the reality of the system complete with taxes, payment schedules, and hidden fees. What was once a dream to so many quickly can turn into a nightmare. Thankfully, there are options available to help you sell annuity payments...
Stocks What They Are, How They Work, And Why They Matter
If you’re anything like the people under 30 that we spoke to, a secret part of you wonders why we can’t just do away with grown-up things like banks and retirement funds and store all of our extra cash in a pillow case. This isn’t because you’re stupid. You just haven’t been empowered with...
Looking For Commercial Real Estate Loans?
Are you an entrepreneur or business owner who is in need of commercial real estate loans? Now is as good a time as any to consider it especially since current interest rates can be as low as 3.50% for five-year terms and 4.50% for 20-year fixed! Whether you are looking for a commercial office...