When protecting currency, it is imperative to use specialized software and not some rinky dink, run of the mill computer program or worse, human eye, to manage and monitor and control the entire process. Safety and control are the main objectives with procedures as sensitive as this. A good software program should be able...
How a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance Can Work In Your Favor
Credit card debt is a huge issue in our society and something that sinks many individuals and households. It can be a tough thing to get out from under once you’re in — in 2014, American households had an almost $60 billion increase in new debt accrued on credit cards. Additionally, the average balance...
New Oregon Law Will Allow State to Garnish Lottery Payouts
One of the reasons many people choose the lump sum lottery payout when they win it big it to take control of their money and get the government out of it. The government already withholds up to 25% of jackpot winnings in taxes and now a new state law that’s set to take effect...
Should You or Should You Not? The Annuity Conundrum
Should you sell your structured settlement annuity? It is a question that needs some consideration. Selling an annuity settlement may solve some cash problems you have in your immediate future, but may short-change you in the long run. It comes down to taking a hard look at your money issues today, and doing your...
4 Quick Tips for Selling Your Annuity
If you have an annuity settlement right now, you might just be one of the countless people hoping to sell annuity payments and get a lump sum of cash in return. There are plenty of reasons why this could be a great option for you — and most of them are all about getting...
Sell Your Settlement and Get Fast Cash
If you are going to be receiving payment from a settlement, you can actually sell those payments and access your settlement cash sooner. Chances are, if you are going to be receiving settlement cash, it is going to take awhile to get to you. You will need to pay your living expenses and bills...
How Initial Public Offerings Can Expand a Company
Today, competing in a flooded marketplace is more of a challenge than ever before. Since the rise of the stock market in the late 1990s, the idea of initial public offerings (IPO) has become an increasingly popular tool for smaller companies looking for capital. Many of today’s large corporations at one point issued a...