The glass door business signs have been prepared. The metal display signs have been positioned. The place looks fantastic and you cannot wait to invite all of the teachers back for the annual all district staff meeting. With Inspirational quotes about teaching that will be offered as door prizes to the staff, you are as excited about this back to school gathering than ever before.
Your excitement might be because one of the newest hotels in the area has donated their space for the group to use, so although this looks more elaborate than any event in the past, it is actually costing much less. Several local food trucks have agreed to donate meals for the event and you are hoping that the generosity of the local businesses will help emphasize the message of the day: We Love Our Public Schools.
The school year can be long and difficult in many of the classrooms in your district, but you hope that with the help of this luncheon, partially funded by the local businesses, every teacher and support staff member will leave today’s meeting feeling energized and supported.
Are You In Charge of Planning a Big Event for Your School or Business?
It is that time of year again. The teachers are getting ready to be back in the classrooms and the parents are getting ready to attend open houses and registration days to make sure that they are informed about this next school year. And while many people think of literature holders and other kinds of marketing tools being used in retail settings, these promotional items can also be used to help set a theme for a local back to school event for both teachers and parents. The fact that door sign holders and other kinds of display stands can be used again and again makes them an affordable option even for school districts that have tight budget restrictions.
Whether you are the owner of a small retail store or you are in charge of marketing or decorating for a company wide event, consider these facts and figures about the impact visual displays can have on your workers, your clients, and your staff:
- Shoppers make 82% of their purchase decisions in the store.
- Employees like to be treated like professionals. Paying attention to the details at a back to school year banquet sends the message that you care about your staff.
- Nicely prepared messages and information sheets displayed in literature holders make a strong, professional statement.
- Displays that are strategically placed in your store can help you send a strong message. Make sure, for instance that you use new, and not damaged literature holders to mark different tables and other sectoins of your presentation.
- Average statistics indicate that consumers are exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional messages every single day.
- Several studies, including a Brigham Young University report indicated that merchandise with a sign outsold merchandise without a sign by as much as 20%.
- The cost of reaching 1,000 adults with a sign or a store merchandiser with a life of one year is between 3 cents and 37 cents. This compares to $4.05 to $7.75 for a 30 second commercial.
- Retail stores can make the mistake of cluttering their racks with too many signs. A current trend is to use clean, fresh signage in a limited amount to quietly highlight the best deals of the day.
- One way to draw in return customers is the have daily specials that are only available in store. With a standard daily feature sign, for instance, a returning customer can make a quick survey of the store to find the latest bargain.
- No sigh goes unnoticed.
- Given that six to 10 purchases in a store can be classified as impulse purchases, signs can have a big impact.
- Marketing displays can help you send a message.
- Estimates indicate that 77% of consumers will go to a store to shop, even though shoppers use their smartphones to research a product, .
- Signs help direct customers through your retail space.
- Ssigns inside literature holders remain well protected.
- A consumer decides to buy a competitor or stick with a brand in three to seven seconds.
- Get ready for your next event by making sure you have the right marketing display materials.
- Everyone looks for sale signs when they enter a store.