Learning that you are getting that tax refund is a happy discovery that can brighten up your day. You will be tempted to go on a shopping spree and do all the fancy things you have dreamt about. So here are a few things that you can do for yourself once that money hits your bank account:
Renovate Your Home
If there are any renovations that you have been putting off till you have enough money, now is the best time to do them. For homeowners, a house is a precious asset; ensuring that it stays in good shape protects that investment. Affordable home improvements like installing new bathroom faucets, landscaping, and organizing your garage improve the quality of your life and increase the value of your home. You can also do repairs to avoid further damages that may become expensive. In case there is water damage, ensure you get a contractor for a water damage restoration service. Remodeling your home is a good idea, especially if you are planning on selling your home in the future.
Pay off Any Debts
While paying off your debts might not be the most exciting thing to do with your tax returns, it lifts a burden off you. Even if you cannot pay everything, that small amount you pay is a good start in lowering your balance. You can pay part of that student loan or that home mortgage you took and reduce the interest you will pay on the remaining balance.
Pamper Yourself
It will be nice to take a day off and pamper yourself when you get that tax refund. You can get a massage at a spa and release the tension you have been holding on to. You can also go on a shopping spree and add some new outfits to your closet. If there is that flat-screen or new smartphone that you have been eyeing, then now is the time to go for it.
Go on Vacation
Maybe you have wanted to take a trip somewhere and have new experiences like skydiving or hot ballooning, but your financial situation has been on the way. When you get a tax refund, you can finally take that vacation you have been putting off. Take a flight to Australia for scuba diving or a drive for a brewery tour near you.
Invest in Your Health
This is one of the most important things you can do with your tax refund. Taking care of our health is important in ensuring that you are happy and you get to spend more time with your loved ones. Most people only see a doctor when the situation has escalated and it is an emergency. If you have been experiencing pain in any part of your body, like your knees or swelling on your ankles and feet, now would be a great time to have that checked out. A doctor will conduct a physical test on your knees and recommend a suitable knee pain treatment like painkillers. Some people suffering from varicose veins opt to have the procedure to improve the appearance of the varicose veins. However, a varicose veins surgeon will also analyze your situation to see whether the procedure is necessary.
Boost Your Retirement Fund
You do not have to spend all your tax refund immediately it hits your bank account. You can plan for the future too. Invest in a tax-deferred retirement plan where your funds will grow faster. You can also make one huge contribution and save yourself from making small investments over a few months.
Remodel Your Office
Whether it is a home office or at work, you can use the tax refund to remodel the office, giving it a new look. Not only does it improve your productivity, but it can also bring some life into your workspace. If the amount is sufficient, consider hiring an interior designer and let them know what your ideal office looks like. You can also give your office a fresh coat of paint and replacing the flooring. Ensure that you get long-lasting and quality office furniture and equipment. You can spruce things up by adding some artwork on the walls and a good floor rug to define your office space.
Get Fit
Getting fit is one of the many New Years’ resolutions that people make but don’t stick to it for long. If you want to tone up, cut a few pounds or get fit, this is a perfect way you can spend your tax refund. You can either get a subscription to your local gym or buy exercise equipment and exercise at home. You can even go as far as hiring a personal trainer who will help you develop a fitness plan that suits your lifestyle. If your community promotes good relationships among each other through sports, you can buy sports gear and join the athletics team, thereby participating in community projects.
Invest in Your Hobby
Some people have costly hobbies that would strain them financially if they engaged in it from time to time. If you are one of these people, this tax return might be just what you need to meet those interests. Whether it is taking a cooking class or dancing class or golfing, you now have the opportunity to indulge in your interests.
Go Back to School
While your tax refund might not be enough to fund your college degree by itself, you can invest in short courses of things that interest you. It can be cooking, learning a musical instrument, learning a new language, taking a public speaking course, or learning to code. Take advantage and add that extra skill. Plus, you never know. Maybe that skill is the gate pass to you getting that promotion at work you have been eyeing.
Replace Outdated Appliances and Gadget
If you have been planning to replace some inefficient appliances in your home, then this tax refund just came at the right time. Whether it is an old refrigerator or a washing machine that is energy inefficient, consider replacing them. You can also upgrade your gadgets like a computer, a phone, or a watch to something more modern that will serve you efficiently. You can donate the older ones to make space for the new appliance to lower your electricity bills.
Invest in Stocks
If you are in a good place financially with no pending expenses, then you can open a brokerage account and use your tax returns to investors. Do some research on which startups have the growth potential and invest your money there. You can also talk to a financial consultant and get guidance on which startups suit your financial goals. If you want to go big, the tech or healthcare industry is among the top choices you should consider. Invest in a medical imaging company and watch a return on your investment. Rather than taking money out of your savings account to invest in this calculated risk, it is better to use the cash from your tax return.
Invest in Cosmetic Surgery
Hardly do insurance companies cover cosmetic surgeries, yet it is a costly procedure that not many can afford. Appearances can be crucial in boosting that self-confidence that makes us walk with our heads held high. If there is a procedure that you have wanted to undergo, but you lack the finances to, then a tax return might be just what you need. You can book an appointment for laser skin services if you want to reduce facial wrinkles or skin irregularities like acne scars or blemishes. This procedure has a short recovery time with few side effects like swelling and redness. If you have been dealing with hair loss, find a hair restoration specialist who has detailed knowledge about hair loss and hair restoration procedures. For people not confident with their smile, then modern cosmetic dentistry can help. A cosmetic dentist specializes in several procedures like teeth whitening, dental veneers, and inlays and onlays. Whatever procedure you want, you can use your tax refund to boost your confidence.
Donate to Charity
If you feel philanthropic, consider donating some or all of your tax refund to a charitable organization. You will be making a positive impact on someone’s life in your community while at the same time feel good for making a difference. However, save the receipts after donating for proper documentation when you are listing deductions the following year.
Set up an Emergency Fund
While ideally, it is best to have at least three to six months’ worth of income in your savings account, not most people can manage due to the many expenses they have. You can use your tax refund to start an emergency fund, even if it is not as much. Open a savings account and put part of your money in there. It will motivate you to develop a saving culture in the future. When you run into a medical emergency or lose your job, you will be glad you chose to save.
Invest in Your Kids Future
If you have kids, then you can start investing in their future using your tax refund. Have you been saving up for your kids’ college education? College fees are steadily rising, and the earlier you start saving, the better for the future.
Treat Yourself to Little Luxuries
It will be nice to spend your tax refund on something that you would not ordinarily do. If you enjoy music concerts, you can use part of that tax refund to attend a concert by your favorite artist. You can even treat yourself by buying a VIP ticket and enjoying a bit of luxury.
Go for a Romantic Weekend Away
It does not have to be a birthday or an anniversary for you and your partner to get away. You can use your tax refund to book a romantic weekend away from your kids and busy schedules. This is a great opportunity for you to earn some points with your partner by arranging this getaway.
Buy Something you Need
You can use that tax refund to purchase something that you have been eyeing for some time, but you did not have the money for it. Whether it is a pair of warm boots for the winter season or a car part that needs replacing, consider using the refund for such needs.
Get a New Pet
If you are an animal lover, then take this opportunity to get yourself a pet. You can install a fish tank in your home with exotic fish or get a puppy or a kitten. You can also use some of the money to build a comfortable habitat and take them to a vet for vaccination. However, keep in mind that you need to take care of the pets, and there will be future expenses arising, like buying pet food and going to the vet occasionally.
Get Something Cool for Your Home
How about installing a Jacuzzi, a home library, a swimming pool, or a pool table into your home using a tax refund? Find fun ideas that will make your home cool and fun that are within your budget. Note that things like a swimming pool or a Jacuzzi will need maintenance from time to time and ensure you have the financial muscle to sustain them.
Move to a New Place
If you intend to move but you couldn’t afford the deposit, you can use your tax refunds to pay for the deposit to a new place.
Catch up on Utilities
If you are behind on utility bills that need to be paid, consider using the tax refund to pay the bills. It may not be the most exciting thing you do with your tax refunds, but it will remove a weight from your shoulders.
A tax refund feels like an unexpected gift where you will be tempted to splash yourself with luxury. However, consider splitting the money and use some on something fun and the rest on something sensible that will impact your life.