The average financial analyst in Canadian earns up to $55,192 a year — and some finance careers, such as upper management positions, chief financial officers (CFO), and risk assessment officers, can make even more. For that reason, many consider jobs in accounting and finance an appealing prospect. While understandable, applicants who are serious about entering jobs in accounting and finance in Canada should make sure they understand critical financial numbers, and what may be in store for the rest of their career and the future of the country.
Remember 2,962
Late Finance Minister Jim Flaherty may be one of the most important people in recent Canadian history. Flaherty successful and tenaciously steered Canada through financial crisis in 2008, and ultimately lived to serve as finance minister for 2,962 days. That’s a pretty impressive feat — and only two finance ministers have ever bested it.
Understanding how Flaherty’s cuts and key financial decisions helped preserve the economy may help anyone tackling finance on a smaller scale. It is always important to understand where exactly money should go and why, and what is at stake in every financial decision.
What Is The Significance Of $41 Trillion?
That’s the “combined gross domestic product of countries with which Canada has now concluded free trade agreements,” The Financial Post explains. That number demonstrates that it is critical for the Canadian company to take global trade seriously. And, just like it is important for the government to keep an open mind about foreign trade, it is also important for all finance managers and top finance officials to carefully consider their relationships with other businesses — and with their entire customer base. Taking all of these groups into account helps employees make the most informed and well thought-out decisions.
A senior finance manager may bring in $160,000 annually. Score one of these top-paying jobs by learning from others’ success, and learning important lessons from the national and global economy.